Portia Jewelry has committed to giving two percent of proceeds on all qualifying jewelry and the total proceeds for all promotional items annually, to help support environmental issues, such as global warming. We realize that this is an urgent issue, and we feel that it is most often overlooked or ignored because many of us feel that we can't make a difference. It is shocking to see how easily we ignore these issues so, we want to join the "march" in hopes that our customers will also realize that the little things we can do will make an enormous difference. Most people are not aware of how much money they can save in their energy bills, gas expenses, water bills and so much more by making small changes!
Help Global Warming!
Use compact fluorescent bulbs
Buy energy efficient electronics
Keep your tires inflated
Change your car air filter
Run dishwashers only when full
Use recycled paper
Adjust thermostats- bundle up!
Change & clean AC filters
Take shorter showers
Drive fuel efficient cars
Don't idle your car
Recycle at home
Plant a tree
Insulate your water heater
Weatherize your home
Use a push mower
Air dry clothes
Unplug unused electronics